Friday, 19 May 2017

Fun with colours

Colours provide a bright side to childhood and it's fascinating to understand why they are so enamored with it.Colours provide a happy energy dose to them.Students were dressed up in their favourite coloured clothes and related themselves to fruits and coloured balloon around them,followed by a fruit stick activity in which they made 'watermelon' with the help of potato printing(red part) and seeds were depicted with the help of ear buds.Entire day was fun filled.
Happy holidays!!!!!

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Vowel hunt

students were called in a group of 5 and they had to pick up vowels(each 1 vowel)from the alphabets kept in front of them.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Vowels Formation

To make learning fun filled,students learnt formation of vowels with tje help of play dough.

Friday, 12 May 2017


Students learnt to represent numbers(1-9) with colourful beads on flexiwires.