ATL Marathon 2018
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ATL Marathon 2018
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Birthdays have been on the wishlist of the children everytime,be it for the parties or the presents that excites them with the thought of birthday.This activity was conducted for them to walk down in pairs through the names of the month with a paper cap,read aloud the names of the month and stop at your birthday month put a cap and say "it's my birthday month".
It was great to see the giggles that walked along with them on their faces all way.
Students of class 1 made the sundial to locate the position of the sun.This activity was conducted in pairs with the help of straw and waste clay tubs, to observe the shadow of the straw and estimate the position of the sun and conclude is it long or short.Concept of shadow formation was also taken into practice by making them stand in a queue and observe is their shadow in front or on the back side.Playing in sun was always what children enjoyed but playing with the sunlight was such an easy to understand and incoporate the concept.
Giving a helping hand to a needy is not only a responsibility but also an act of kindness that we show towards others.The same quality was embibed in the children through the GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE PROJECT : RICH AND POOR, in which the students were shown many video links followed by discussion then they were asked to express their feelings and understanding on the topic through a drawing.It was great to see them express themselves creatively.
They also interviewed all the helpers in school premises and asked them about their affordabilities for various things and their life style.Later on they distributed winter clothes like gloves,socks ,caps to them as a token of love and respect for them.With this ,we incorporated the feeling of belongingness and empathy towards poor and lower section of the society.