Thursday 31 October 2019

Monthly activity - Clip Art gallery

Students had to depict the series of event through drawing that they undergo on regular basis to reach the topic given.For example if the child had to depict brushing teeth...child would show like get up from bed,wash toothbrush and then apply paste and so on.It was great to see the creativity of the tiny tots.Glimpse of it has been uploaded for you.Kuddos!!

Thursday 24 October 2019

Diwali Celebrations!

Essence of festival lies in sharing happiness, sweets and laughter with your friends and family.Students enjoyed the diwali celebrations in its true sense by decorating their class and praying to lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi to bless them.The celebrations culminated with a class party where students enjoyed sharing their food and sweets with each other. Spreading smiles all the way on someone's face by giving some sweets to the people who work continuously to keep us in the hygienic environment.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Light and dark - Mystery bag

Playing in darkness has always been fun for kids and makes them apprehensive about the darkness that lies within.To incorporate the concept of light and dark this fun activity was organised for the kids where a mystery box was made and they were asked to look for thinhs inside in darkness.This activity also helped them in suggesting ways that could be used to get some light in the dark tunnel eg: using a torch.

Monday 7 October 2019

Happy Dussehra!

On the occasion of Dussehra, we pray that Lord Rama fills your life with happiness, prosperity and success. Happy Dussehra to you and your family!

Friday 4 October 2019

Class 1 - Mix it

Playing with same old material in new ways brings up lots of great questions! This little activity was a great way to do a 'child led experiment', because learning science is always fun and encourages the child to be more observant and come up with more investigative power of 'what mixes with water from your home'?