Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Class 2 - Measuring force using forcemeter

Students used a force meter to investigate forces of the objects around in the classroom.

Friday, 14 February 2020

Class 1 - Modelling day and night

To investigate day and night,students were shown how the rotation of Earth causes day and light.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Class 2 - Investigating natural forces (wind and wave power)

Many children hold misconceptions about the nature of water waves. One common misconception is that waves are generated from within the water. Although that may appear to be true, most waves -- and certainly the waves most children see -- are actually generated by wind. As wind travels across the water's surface, it pushes against the water.
To witness the same an activity based on the investagation of wave and wind power was conducted to reinforce the concept of natural forces and given children an idea about how the  force applied affects the speed of the boat.
To investogate the wind power students used a straw and to investigate the wave power,they generated waves using a fork/spoon.

Monday, 3 February 2020

Class 1-All about shadows

Students were taken to the ground and were divided in 5 groups,each group was made to stand around the shadow.Each member had to trace the shadow of the tree individually.A fun way to learn how the shadow changes its position,shape and direction over the time.
To observe the Direction, students were asked to observe the pole.
They even observed position of shadows formed when we face the source of light or when the source of light is at our back.A fun filled activity which helped students nearly observe each minute detail of shadows.