Sunday, 21 June 2020

Saturday, 20 June 2020

International Yoga day!

You can try these yoga asans and gain moral values!!

 You can try these asans too:

Happy Father's Day!!

Solar eclipse 2020

What is an eclipse?
A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which fully or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned.
What will happen tomorrow?
The first solar eclipse of 2020 will take place on Sunday, 21 June. This will also be an annular solar eclipse, where the Sun, Moon and the Earth are aligned in a straight line.
In an annular solar eclipse, the Moon is away from the Earth in its elliptical orbit thus it cannot cover the sun completely, resulting in a thin disk of light around the silhouette[outline] of the Moon, a
lso known as "the ring of fire".
A solar eclipse usually occurs two weeks prior or after the occurrence of a lunar eclipse. The last lunar eclipse was on 5 June.
What Time will the Annular Solar Eclipse in India?
The annular solar eclipse on Saturday will begin at 9:15 am and will reach its peak at 12:10 pm. The eclipse will finish by 3 pm in the country.

Safety Advice: Any direct glimpse of the Sun's rays is not advisable and is dangerous. Looking directly at the sun can damage cause damage to the eye. Even small amounts of  direct exposure can cause blurry vision or cause temporary blindness.


Refer to the picture given below and draw it, You can use chalk, wax crayons or even do it by blow painting technique.