Thursday, 19 May 2022

Sorting activity (Pre school)

Sorting activity to recapitulate the concept of similar and different was conducted where a table was set up with different objects which were similar and different.Learners were called individually and were asked to sort the objects.They were asked to pick up something similar and in the same way they were asked to pick up something which was different.This activity further enchanced the listening and comprehending skills of the child.

Friday, 13 May 2022

Different habitat of plants(class 1)

Plants in pot

                    Plants on the pathway

Plants in wall cracks


Plants in wet place

                      Plants under something


Monday, 9 May 2022

(Roleplay)Habitat of a frog

 Class 1 learners were made to do a roleplay of a frog where they had to hop like a frog from leaf to leaf and tell what all their requirements of a habitat.A fun way to recapitulate the co cept of things required in an environment to make a habitat.

Monday, 2 May 2022

Parts of the plant(Pre Primary)

 Learners of Pre Primary did an interesting activity to learn parts of the plant,they picked up all the fallen leaves,flowers,twigs,stem,roots and pasted them on a paper and created another beautiful scene.