Wednesday 23 November 2022

Science Week - Fruit Rainbow (Pre School)

 An activity which enhanced the observation and communication skills. In the activity the child had to tell about his /her favourite fruit, its colour,taste and how do we eat it (with /without peel). 

Science week - Investigating Rocks (Pre Primary )

Students of class pre primary investigated the rocks, they investigated how hard or soft the rock is by scrapping it with an ice-cream stick. Softest rock was chalk as they could scrap it easily with the stick.

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Science week-Sundial (Class 1)

Students observed how shadows change over the time because of the movement of sun across the sky as the Earth moves.Learners observed the shadows at different time. They were also told about how sundial was used in anciet times to estimate the time by looking at the shadows.Also they were told about how the movement of Earth causes change in  seasons and day/night.