Monday, 30 January 2023

Touch and feel (Pre Primary)

 Learners were divided into 2 teams and were called individually to come pick up anything and guess it. Learners were blind folded and had to touch and feel which fruit or vegetable it was. A fun filled learning in which students learnt about senses, team spiritand confidence.

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Happy Republic Day

 Republic Day celebration was done.

Oral activity

Students learnt about the 1.Name of the National flag-Tricolour

2.Meaning of the word tri- 3

3. Three colours of the flag - Saffron,white and green.

4. The circle in the center of the flag is called Ashoka Chakra.

5. It has 24 spokes.

Flag Making and Dance on Patriotic Songs

Students made a flag with the handprints.

A badge of flower was given as2 the symbolic significance of the colours of the flag.They also danced on patriotic songs.

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Class I-Fingerprint fun

 Students learnt about different types of fingerprints through a fun activity of stamping their thumb on the deflated balloon and then blowing it to get the enlarged view of the fingerprint .Students further classified their thumbprints into the following 3 types namely loop, arch and whorl.