Thursday 23 November 2023

Observing Soil(Pre Primary)

Learners of class Pre primary were taken to the herbal garden to observe soil. Students explored about the texture of the soil and also observed different things in the soil like earthworm, dry/green fallen leaves and flowers, stones , some fresh small lemons and sticks.

Monday 20 November 2023

Investigating Rocks (Pre Primary)

Students of class pre primary investigated the rocks, they investigated how hard or soft the rock is by scrapping it with an ice-cream stick. Softest rock was chalk as they could scrap it easily with the stick.

Monday 13 November 2023

Happy Childrens day!

Dear Kids,

Happy Children's Day! Today is a special day dedicated to celebrating you and all the joy, laughter, and wonder you bring into the world. You are the future, and your dreams and imaginations have the power to shape the world in incredible ways.

On this day, I want to remind you to embrace your uniqueness and never be afraid to be yourself. Each one of you is born with special talents and gifts that make you shine. Whether you love to draw, sing, dance, play sports, or solve puzzles, remember that your passions are what make you extraordinary.

Today, let us celebrate your innocence, curiosity, and boundless energy. May this Children's Day be a reminder of the incredible individuals you are and the bright future that lies ahead of you.

Happy Children's Day, my dear kids!

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Fingerprint fun (Class I)

Students learnt about different types of fingerprints through a fun activity of stamping their thumb on the a rectangular chit.Students further classified their thumbprints into the following 3 types namely loop, arch and whorl.

Thursday 2 November 2023

Underground Animals (Pre School)

 Learners of foundation stage were taken for a Nature walk to observe and look around the small holes/anthills made by the ants in the soil to get underground.Also they were shown the earthworms in the herbal garden.