Thursday 7 March 2024

Walk In- The Fun side of Science

 'Walk in' is a special occasion to reflect on the incredible journey of our young learners and wish our students the best for the year ahead! For the very first time the Walk In event was organised to reflect the pedagogy being followed in the Cambridge Curriculum,theme for the presentation of class Pre School was 'The fun side of science ' in which the students represented on the concept of Healthy and Junk Food.

Friday 1 March 2024

Picnic Time- Tingaland

School picnics can be a fun way for students to learn and develop various skills Personal Development: First and foremost, picnics play a pivotal role in the personal development of students. Outside the classroom's four walls, they learn to be more independent, make decisions, and even develop leadership skills. A fun filled day with friends and teachers.Glimpse of all activities that children did in Tingaland like  Zipline,Wall Climb,Trampoline,Go-Karting, mini golf,Tingaland dojo meet and many more.From receiving yummy refreshments to getting a lovely token of love from Tingaland amazed these little ones.