Friday, 26 April 2024

Class I - Plants in different habitats

Students were taken to the ground and herbal garden to observe plants growing in different habitats like against a wall,shady place,dry pathway,under something,in plant pot,on the walls and in the cracks too.

Thursday, 25 April 2024

Pre School-Classification of sizes

Students learnt about the meaning of the word 'biggest' and 'smallest' by picking up the shapes of different sizes as told by the teacher.Using a see, touch, and say approach by showing objects of different sizes and asking children to identify them as small,big or biggest helped them to grasp the concept easily.

Monday, 22 April 2024

Class I (Earth Day)- Quiz time

World Earth Day is an annual reminder of our collective responsibility towards the planet we call home. Since its inception, this day has been a rallying force for environmental awareness, advocacy, and action. 

Quiz based on Actvities that make Earth a happy or a sad place was conducted as Quizzes make learning fun and interactive, providing an opportunity for participants to engage with environmental issues in a lighthearted yet informative manner.