Monday 7 September 2020

one Day one story -Angry Akku

 On the occasion of WORLD LITERACY DAY, students enacted a story 'ANGRY AKKU' in which Anaya played the role of Akku and Parv played the role of her father.The story was taken from story weaver- a platform for children which hosts hundreds of stories in languages from all across India and beyond. Story weaver is designed for children to discover the magic of words and joy of reading.for more information, click on the link given below:

When father showed AKKU,the bright yellow flowers.

When father showed Akku the monkeys!

Father offered her a glass of buttermilk and some vadas.

This all made Akku angry.

Bikku who made fun of Akku

The crow took away Akku's idli.

When Akku draws to express her anger.

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